User Administration Scaffold for Devise
Here is a quick way to add a user controller and views to a rails app that is using Devise for authentication. First, create the controller and views for the model which Devise created for you. You can do that with the scaffold_controller generator.
rails g scaffold_controller users
Now you’ll have the basic user CRUD abilities.
You’ll need to add a password_confirmation password field to the form if the generator didn’t do it for you. The main problem I’ve encountered is that you always have to type in the password and the confirmation when updating a user model. In order to prevent this you can override the password_required? method in the user model.
def password_required? (!password.blank? && !password_confirmation.blank?) || new_record? end
Another nice thing I like to do is create a rake task to create a new user. This can be used on a new database to create a user to log in with. I created a file called auth.rake in lib/tasks.
namespace :auth do desc "Create first database user" task :create_first_user => :environment do u = u.full_name = "First User" = "" u.password = "password" u.password_confirmation = "password" puts "You can log in with email: '#{}' and password: '#{u.password}'" end end
You can run the task with the command:
rake auth:create_first_user